International Expert Panel Discussion on "Sustainable Finance, Why Should Leaders Care?

AIT Extension welcomes to join the International Expert Panel Discussion on "Sustainable Finance, Why Should Leaders Care?"
Collaboration between AIT Extension, AIT, Thailand and GoImpact, Hongkong
16 August 2021
14.00-15.30 hours GMT+7
Target audience:
- Portfolio managers , Management companies, Banking and Finance companies/ Institutions, Insurance companies, Educational Institutions Leaders, Investors  and Entrepreneurs
AIT Experts
Dr. Christopher J. Garnier, Executive Director, AITX, AIT, Thailand
Mr. Sam Hanna, Deputy Executive Director, AITX, AIT, Thailand
GoImpact Experts
Ms. Helene Li CEO & Co-Founder GoImpact, Hongkong
Mr. Clarence T’ao Former CEO, BNP Paribas China Ltd. Partner of GoImpact 
Lakeesha K. Ransom, PhD 
Enterprise Engagement Director 
Management Faculty, School of Management, AIT, Thailand
For queries and further information, please contact:
Ms. Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong,
Director (Internal Project) at

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