Airport Of Thailand (Public Company Limited) Collaborates with AIT and SPS Global to enhance capacity on Airport and Aviation Standards

Airport Of Thailand (Public Company Limited) Collaborates with AIT and SPS Global to enhance capacity on Airport and Aviation Standards from 4th September, 2015 for the participants of Airport of Thailand (AOT).This 6-day training course is designed to provide an initial insight into the complexities of aviation ground operations commonly referred to as ‘ground  handling’. Course topics cover a wide range of subjects that span from the regulatory framework to all aspects of operations and from commercial contracts and service level agreements to management systems. Ground Operations is a critical function of the aviation industry and the supply chain. As such an enhanced understanding of the role it plays in the aviation arena is required to ensure that safety, quality and security are not compromised. 

The course is prepared according to AOT’s expressed needs, this high-level course will introduce the foundational elements required for maintaining oversight in ground operational activities.  At the end of this , participants will develop key skills through knowledge enhancement in regard to aviation ground operations management , develop expertise in regard to regulatory entities and authorities, airlines, airport operators and ground service providers and establish the foundational element required to build capacity by developing specific skills and knowledge in preparation for future, specialized courses.

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